Thursday, December 28, 2006


  1. Radacini (1963)
    ...aka Roots (1963) (International: English title: informal title)
  2. Radacinile orasului (1964)
    ...aka Roots of the City, The (1964) (International: English title: informal literal title)
  3. Radeti cu oameni ca noi (2002) (TV)
  4. Raliul (1984)
    ...aka Rally, The (1984)
  5. Ramasagul (1984)
    ...aka Bet, The (1984) (International: English title)
  6. Ramânerea (1992)
    ...aka Forgotten by God (1992)
  7. Rapirea (1970)
  8. Rapirea fecioarelor (1968)
    ...aka Rape of the Maidens, The (1968)
  9. Raport despre starea natiunii (2002)
    ...aka Report on the State of the Nation (2002) (International: English title: informal literal title)
  10. Rapsodia rustica (1945)
    ...aka Rustic Rhapsody (1945) (International: English title: informal literal title)
  11. Rapsodie ân lemn (1960)
    ...aka Rhapsody in Wood (1960) (International: English title: informal title)
  12. Rasare soarele (1954)
    ...aka Sun Rises, The (1954) (USA)
  13. Rascoala (1965)
    ...aka Blazing Winter (1965)
    ...aka Flaming Winter (1965)
    ...aka Uprising, The (1965)
  14. Raspundem la ântrebare (1971)
    ...aka We Answer the Question (1971) (International: English title: informal literal title)
  15. Rasuna valea (1949)
    ...aka Valley Resounds, The (1949)
  16. Ratacire (1978)
    ...aka Astray (1978)
  17. Ratoiul neascultator (1951)
    ...aka Naughty Duckling, The (1951)
  18. Rautaciosul adolescent (1968)
    ...aka Malicious Adolescent, The (1968)
    ...aka O femeie pentru un anotimp (1968)
    ...aka Woman for a Season, A (1968)
  19. Razboi fara arme (1929)
    ...aka War Without Weapons (1929) (International: English title: informal literal title)
  20. Razboi ân bucatarie (2001)
    ...aka War in the Kitchen (2001) (International: English title: informal literal title)
  21. Razboiul domnitelor (1969)
    ...aka War of the Princesses, The (1969) (International: English title: informal literal title)
  22. Razboiul independentei (1912)
    ...aka Independenta Romaniei (1912)
    ...aka War for Independence, The (1912)
  23. Razboiul independentei (1977)
    ...aka Independence War, The (1977)
  24. Razbunarea (1913)
    ...aka Revenge, The (1913) (International: English title: informal literal title)
  25. Razbunarea (1972)
    ...aka Revenge, The (1972) (International: English title: informal literal title)
  26. Razbunarea haiducilor (1968)
    ...aka Revenge of the Outlaws, The (1968)
  27. Re-encounters (1989)
  28. Reactii (1976)
    ...aka Reactions (1976)
  29. Recital ân gradina cu pitici (1987)
    ...aka Recital in the Dwarfs' Garden (1987)
    ...aka Violin Solo in the Elves' Garden (1987)
  30. Reclamatie (1969)
    ...aka Complaint (1969) (International: English title: informal literal title)
  31. Reconstituire (1960)
  32. Reconstituirea (1968) 9.0/10 (51 votes)
    ...aka Reconstruction (1968)
  33. Reed (1966)
  34. Regasirea (1977)
  35. Regia: Liviu Ciulei (1979) (TV)
  36. Relicte (1969)
  37. Reportaj din Tara Bârsei (1968)
    ...aka Report from the Land of the Bârsa
    River (1968) (International: English title: informal literal title)
  38. Requiem für Dominik (1990) 6.3/10 (14 votes)
    ...aka Requiem for Dominic (1991) (USA)
  39. Reteaua 'S' (1980)
    ...aka 'S' Network, The (1980) (International: English title: informal literal title)
  40. Revansa (1978) 8.7/10 (22 votes)
    ...aka Revenge (1978/I)
  41. Rezerva la start (1988)
    ...aka Reserve at the Start (1988)
  42. Ringul (1985) 7.1/10 (9 votes)
    ...aka Ring, The (1985)
  43. Ritm (1963)
    ...aka Rhythm (1963) (International: English title: informal title)
  44. Ritmuri potrivite (1964)
    ...aka Correct Rhythms (1964) (International: English title: informal literal title)
    ...aka Rhythms (1964)
  45. Ritmuri si imagini (1966)
    ...aka Rhythms and Images (1966)
  46. Roadele pamantului (1969)
  47. Rochia alba de dantela (1989)
    ...aka White Lace Dress, The (1989) (USA)
  48. Romania orizont '64 (1964)
  49. Romanii si Marele Octombrie (1967)
  50. Romante aspre (1965)
    ...aka Rough Romances (1965) (International: English title: informal literal title)
  51. Romeo si Julieta (1968)
    ...aka Romeo and Juliet (1968/II) (International: English title: informal title)
  52. România (1934)
    ...aka Romania (1934) (International: English title: informal literal title)
  53. România (1970)
    ...aka Romania (1970) (International: English title: informal literal title)
  54. România pitoreasca (1928)
    ...aka Picturesque Romania (1928) (International: English title: informal literal title)
  55. Roscovanul (1976)
    ...aka Red-haired Boy, The (1976)
  56. Rosenemil (1993)
  57. Rug si flacara (1980)
    ...aka Stake and the Flame, The (1980) (USA)
  58. Runda 6 (1965)
    ...aka Round 6 (1965) (International: English title: informal literal title)
  59. Részleg, A (1995) 6.5/10 (15 votes)
    ...aka Outpost, The (1995/II)
    ...aka Section, The (1995)
  60. Râdeti ca-n viata (1983)
    ...aka Laugh Like Living (1983)
  61. Râpa dracului (1957)
    ...aka Devil's Ravine, The (1957) (USA)
  62. Râul care urca muntele (1977)
    ...aka River That Climbs a Mountain, The (1977) (International: English title: informal literal title)

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