Thursday, December 28, 2006


  1. S-a furat o bomba (1961)
    ...aka Bomb Was Stolen, A (1961) (International: English title: informal literal title)
    ...aka Stolen Bomb (1961)
  2. Sa mori ranit din dragoste de viata (1983) 5.0/10 (9 votes)
    ...aka Fatally Injured by Love of Life (1983)
    ...aka To Die from Love of Life (1983)
  3. Sa treaca vara (1972)
    ...aka After Summer (1972) (International: English title: informal literal title)
  4. Sa zâmbeasca toti copii (1957)
    ...aka All the Children Should Smile (1957)
  5. Sadoveanu (1977)
  6. Sageata capitanului Ion (1972)
    ...aka Captain Ion's Arrow (1972) (International: English title: informal literal title)
  7. Sah la rege (1965)
  8. Saltimbancii (1981)
    ...aka Circus Performers (1981)
    ...aka Clowns, The (1981)
    ...aka Etot grustnyj vesyolyj tsirk (1981)
  9. Samantha's Child (2004)
  10. Sancta simplicitas (1968)
  11. Sanda (1990)
  12. Sania albastra (1987)
    ...aka Blue Sleigh, The (1987) (USA)
  13. Sant (1936)
    ...aka Ditch (1936) (International: English title: informal literal title)
  14. Santaj (1981)
    ...aka Blackmail (1981)
  15. Saptamâna nebunilor (1971)
    ...aka Week of the Madmen, The (1971)
  16. Sapte arte (1958)
    ...aka Seven Arts, The (1958)
  17. Sapte zile (1973)
    ...aka Seven Days (1973)
  18. Sarutari (1969)
    ...aka Kiss Me Quick (1969)
    ...aka Kiss, The (1969)
  19. Sarutul (1965)
    ...aka Kiss, The (1965/I)
  20. Schimbul de mâine (1959)
    ...aka Tomorrow's Shift (1959) (
  21. School of Work, The (1959)
  22. Scoala (1975)
    ...aka School, The (1975)
  23. Scoala de la Meri (1964)
    School of Meri, The (1964) (International: English title: informal literal title)
  24. Scoarte populare (1965)
    ...aka Romanian Country Rugs (1965) (International: English title: informal literal title)
  25. Scoica (1966)
    ...aka Shell, The (1966) (International: English title: informal literal title)
  26. Scoicile nu au vorbit niciodata (1962)
    ...aka Shells Have Never Spoken (1962) (International: English title: informal literal title)
  27. Scrisoare pierduta, O (1953) 9.7/10 (16 votes)
    ...aka Lost Letter, A (1953)
  28. Scrisoare pierduta, O (1977) (TV)
    ...aka Lost Letter, A (1977) (TV) (International: English title: informal literal title)
  29. Scrisoarea lui Ion Marin catre Scânteia (1949)
    ...aka Ion Marin's Letter to Scinteia (1949)
  30. Scurta istorie (1956)
    ...aka Short History, A (1956)
  31. Scurtcircuit (1970)
    ...aka Short Circuit (1970)
  32. Se aprind facliile (1939)
  33. Search for the Jewel of Polaris: Mysterious Museum (1999) (TV) 4.2/10 (26 votes)
  34. Second-Hand (2002)
  35. Secret Kingdom, The (1998) 3.4/10 (35 votes)
  36. Secretul armei secrete (1988)
    ...aka Secret of the Secret Weapon, The (1988)
  37. Secretul cifrului (1959)
    ...aka Secret Code, The (1959)
  38. Secretul lui Bacchus (1984) 8.5/10 (9 votes)
    ...aka Secret of Bacchus, The (1984) (
  39. Secretul lui Nemesis (1985)
  40. Secretul reginei Cleopatra (2002)
    ...aka Queen Cleopatra's Secret (2002) (International: English title: informal literal title)
  41. Secvente (1982)
    ...aka Sequences (1982)
  42. Seful sectorului suflete (1967)
    ...aka Head of the Soul's Department (1967) (International: English title: informal literal title)
    ...aka Souls Department, The (1967)
  43. Semnul sarpelui (1981)
    ...aka Sign of the Serpent, The (1981) (
  44. Senatorul melcilor (1995) 7.0/10 (26 votes)
    ...aka Snails' Senator, The (1995)
  45. Sept hommes et une garce (1966)
    ...aka Primula rosa, La (1966) (Italy)
    ...aka Sapte baieti si o strengarita (1966) (Romania)
    ...aka Sept gars et une garce (1966) (Romania)
    ...aka Seven Guys and a Gal (1966) (USA)
  46. Septembrie (1978)
    ...aka September (1978) (USA)
  47. Septembrie la Pontul Euxin (1970)
    ...aka September at the
    Black Sea (1970)
  48. Serata (1971)
    ...aka Evening (1971)
    ...aka Party, The (1971)
  49. Serenada pentru etajul XII (1976)
    ...aka Serenade for the Twelfth Floor (1976) (International: English title: informal literal title)
  50. Setea (1960)
    ...aka Thirst (1960)
  51. Setea pamântului (1972)
    ...aka Earth Is Thirsty, The (1972) (International: English title: informal literal title)
  52. Sevraj (2000)
  53. Sexy Harem Ada-Kaleh (2001)
  54. Sfânta Tereza si diavolii (1972)
    ...aka Saint Theresa and the Devils (1972)
  55. Sfârsitul noptii (1982)
    ...aka End of the Night, The (1982)
  56. Shrunken City, The (1998) 5.0/10 (36 votes)
  57. Si atunci... (1965)
  58. Si Ilie face sport (1955)
    ...aka Ilie Is a Sportsman Too (1955) (International: English title: literal title)
  59. Si medicii au ânceput sa filmeze (1972)
    ...aka Doctors Also Started Making Movies (1972) (International: English title: informal literal title)
  60. Sibiu-Hermannsstadt (1999)
  61. Silent Friends (1969)
    ...aka Deux amis silencieux (1973) (Canada: French title)
    ...aka Dogs to the Rescue (1969)
    ...aka Prieteni fara grai (1969) (Romania)
  62. Simfonie ân alb (1966)
    ...aka Symphony in White (1966) (International: English title: informal literal title)
  63. Simi si Lia (2000)
    ...aka Simi and Lia (2000) (International: English title: informal literal title)
  64. Simpaticul domn R (1969)
    ...aka Likeable Mister R., The (1969)
  65. Singur (1968)
    ...aka All Alone (1968)
  66. Singur printre pelicani (1970)
    ...aka Alone Among Pelicans (1970) (International: English title: informal literal title)
  67. Singur printre prieteni (1979)
    ...aka Alone Among Friends (1979) (International: English title: informal literal title)
  68. Singuratatea florilor (1975)
  69. Skazka stranstvij (1982) 8.8/10 (46 votes)
    ...aka Pohadka o putovani (1982) (Czechoslovakia)
    ...aka Povestea calatoriilor (1982) (Romania)
    ...aka Story of the Voyages, The (1982) (USA)
  70. Slatina 600 (1968)
  71. Snow (1989)
  72. Snowbullet (1998)
  73. Soapte de amor (1994) 8.0/10 (5 votes)
    ...aka Aceasta lehamite (1994)
    ...aka Fed-up (1994) (International: English title: informal literal title)
    ...aka Whispers of Love (1994) (International: English title: informal literal title)
  74. Soarele negru (1968)
    ...aka Black Sun, The (1968) (International: English title: informal literal title)
  75. Soarele ranit (1966)
    ...aka Wounded Sun, The (1966) (International: English title: informal literal title)
  76. Soarele si trandafirul (1965)
    ...aka Sun and the Rose (1965) (International: English title: informal literal title)
  77. Sobolanii rosii (1990)
    ...aka Red Rats (1990) (
    Europe: English title: informal title)
  78. Sofer de mare viteza (1956)
  79. Soldati fara uniforma (1960)
    ...aka Soldiers Without Uniform (1960)
  80. Somnul insulei (1994)
    ...aka Sleep of the
    Island, The (1994)
  81. Sopârla (1966)
    ...aka Lizard, The (1966) (International: English title: informal literal title)
  82. Sosesc de la Paris (1977) (TV)
  83. Sosesc pasarile calatoare (1984)
  84. Sper sa ne mai vedem (1985)
    ...aka I Hope to See You Again (1985) (International: English title)
  85. Speranta (1979)
    ...aka Hope (1979) (International: English title: informal literal title)
  86. Spionul (1913)
    ...aka Spy, The (1913) (International: English title: informal literal title)
  87. Sportul si scoala (1970)
    ...aka Sports and the School (1970) (International: English title: informal literal title)
  88. Spre cer (1964)
    ...aka To the Sky (1964)
  89. Squadriglia bianca (1944)
    ...aka Escadrilei albe (1944) (Romania)
    ...aka White Squadron, The (1944) (International: English title: informal literal title)
  90. Stare de fapt (1996)
    ...aka State of
    Things (1996)
  91. Staroverii (2002)
  92. Statornicie (1969)
  93. Stefan cel Mare (1974)
    ...aka Stephen the Great (1974)
  94. Stefan Luchian (1981)
  95. Stejar, extrema urgenta (1973)
    ...aka Oak Tree, Top Emergency (1973)
  96. Stele de iarna (1980)
    ...aka Winter Stars (1980) (International: English title: informal literal title)
  97. Stele la Bucuresti (1934)
    ...aka Stars at
    Bucharest (1934) (International: English title: informal literal title)
  98. Stelele cu coada - cometele (1972)
    ...aka Stars with a Tail: The Comets (1972) (International: English title: informal literal title)
  99. Sticletele (1963)
    ...aka Fink, The (1963) (International: English title: informal literal title)
  100. Stimata domnisoara 'V' (1969)
    ...aka Dear Miss 'V' (1969) (International: English title: informal literal title)
  101. Stop cadru la masa (1980)
    ...aka Snapshot Around the Family Table (1980) (
  102. Strainul (1964)
    ...aka Stranger, The (1964/II)
  103. Strazile au amintiri (1962)
    ...aka Streets Remember, The (1962)
  104. Study Opus 1 - Man (1976)
  105. Stuff That Bear! (2003)
  106. Sturionii (1959)
    ...aka Sturgeons (1959) (International: English title: informal literal title)
  107. Sturionii (1969)
    ...aka Sturgeons (1969) (International: English title: informal literal title)
  108. Sturionii se pescuiesc pe furtuna (1971)
    ...aka Sturgeons Are Fished During Storms (1971) (International: English title: informal literal title)
  109. Sub aripa vulturului (1963)
    ...aka Under the Wing of the Eagle (1963)
  110. Sub cupola albastra (1962)
    ...aka Under the Blue Cupola (1962)
  111. Sub cupola circului (1962)
    ...aka Under the Circus Dome (1962) (International: English title: informal literal title)
  112. Sub soarele de mai (1972)
    ...aka Under the May Sun (1972) (International: English title: informal literal title)
  113. Sub steagul partidului (1971)
    ...aka Under the Banner of the Communist Party (1971) (International: English title: informal literal title)
  114. Subteranul (1967)
    ...aka Subterranean, The (1967)
    ...aka Underneath the Surface (1967)
  115. Superstitiosul (1956)
    ...aka Superstitious Person, The (1956) (International: English title: informal literal title)
  116. Surorile (1984)
    ...aka Sisters, The (1984)
  117. Surubul lui Marinica (1955)
    ...aka Marinica's Bodkin (1955)
  118. Surâs ân plina vara, Un (1963)
    ...aka Midsummer Day's Smile, A (1963)
  119. Suta de gloante, O (1972)
    ...aka One Hundred Bullets (1972) (
    Europe: English title: informal title)
  120. Sâmbata mortilor (1968)
    ...aka All Souls Day (1968)
    ...aka Black Saturday (1968) (
    USA: informal English title)

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